To ensure your garment lasts the test of time, you have to show it some much-needed TLC. Therefore we would always recommend these garments to be dry cleaned only. We do not hold responsibility if a different washing method has been used. However, if you would like to wash your items at home, please follow the guidance below. We have tried it and it works!
Preparation before washing: Turn the garment inside out to prevent (additional) pilling and general abrasion.
The best home washing method: Cashmere is a protein fiber, much like our own hair and responds well to the same gentle washing approach. We suggest you soak your cashmere for at least 15 minutes in lukewarm water, and then just swish and lightly squish the sweater around in the soapy water. Hand washing will always produce the best results for your knitt garments.
An alternative washing method: Hand washing is preferable, but there are other ways. We recommend hand washing your garments, though if you must, a washing machine can be used – BUT– you must wash on a delicate cycle at maximum 30 degrees. Warm temperatures will cause any knitwear to shrink.
Best detergents & washing temperatures: We advise that the best temperature is cold. We would recommend Woolite or The Laundress Wool & Cashmere Shampoo. Tablets might be too harsh.

Step 1:
Layout on a large towel and let dry naturally.
Step 2:
Press to remove water, repeating, if necessary. Another tried and tested method? Roll the towel up, jelly-roll style, with the cashmere or another knitted item in the middle. Apply pressure to the towel then unroll, laying the item flat on another clean towel to finish air-drying.
Step 3:
During the drying process, gently reshape by hand. Never wring or twist the material as it will lose its original shape
Step 4:
Once dry, steam or iron inside out on lowest setting with a damp cloth – always keep the iron moving
Tip: Do not tumble dry and avoid hanging as it can misshape your knits
Where? Store in a breathable sweater storage bag, preferably not plastic as air needs to circulate. Keep your wardrobe and storage area clean and dust free.
How? We recommend to never put your knit delicates away dirty! Instead store your sweaters in a drawer or storage box with cedar balls, these are great to store with knits as moths don’t like the smell. Another tip is to get into the habit of opening your drawers once a month and giving your cashmere, wool and others pieces a good shake.
Why? Moths are after soiled, worn cashmere – not clean cashmere. Moths are mostly attracted to the oils and food stains in cashmere not the fabric itself.